Healing Treatments
Seichem is an ancient and sacred form of hands on healing and is said to be the parent energy of all hands on healing systems. It is a simple, non-invasive healing system that works with each person’s higher self to promote health and well-being of the entire physical, emotional and psychic body.
Seichem balances and realigns the Yin female aspect of our being on all levels, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual and is an effective energy which can assist in dealing with many female health problems such as fertility, hormonal imbalances, PMT and menstrual or menopausal problems. It also readjusts imbalances on deeper levels of the psyche such as lack of self-esteem, the need for or lack of nurturing and especially self-empowerment and love.
One of the greatest benefits of Seichem Reiki is its effectiveness in reducing stress and inducing deep relaxation by triggering the body’s own natural healing abilities, a natural therapy that gently balances life energies and brings health and well-being to the recipient.
Seichem Reiki is pure healing energy which is given by the practitioner by placing the hands above or on the body, this allows the flow of the energy from the healers hands to go where the recipient needs it most. It is an extremely powerful, yet gentle energy which creates deep relaxation and aids the body to release stress, anxiety and tension.

Seichem energy healing can help with these and many other conditions:
• Insomnia • Pain Relief • Migraine • Arthritis • Sciatica • Stress reduction • Anxiety and depression
• Chronic Fatigue • Menopausal Symptoms • Brings inner peace and harmony
First treatment to include consultation is 90 minutes £60.00
Each subsequent treatment is 60 minutes £50.00
For personal safety and insurance purposes, male client’s need to be referred by an existing client or a family member currently receiving treatment with me.
New clients: please be aware that payment must be made at the time of booking your appointment to secure the space I have allocated for you in my diary.
Payment can be made by bank transfer, PayPal or SumUp.
My fees reflect my experience and the level of training required to become a registered and recognised natural therapist.
My goal is to provide quality treatments for all of my clients in a timely manner. No shows, late arrivals and cancellations inconvenience not only me, but my other clients as well. Please kindly be aware of my policy regarding missed appointments.
When you book your appointment, you are holding a space in my diary that is no longer available to other clients-much like when you book tickets for a concert, once you have purchased those tickets you are guaranteed entry to the venue. In order to be respectful of other clients needs, please contact me as soon as you know you are unable to make your appointment, don’t inform me when you receive your reminder text as this will be too late.
If cancellation is necessary, I require at least 48 hours notice in advance. Appointments are in high demand, and your advance notice will allow another client access to that appointment time. Appointments cancelled with less than 48 hours notice before the appointed time or no-show will result in you-the client being charged the full missed appointment fee to ensure my business running costs are covered. My insurance policy doesn’t cover lost earnings from late cancellations or no shows.
Should the cancellation fee remain unpaid, future sessions will incur a full treatment cost booking fee and will need to be prepaid in full to secure your space in my diary.
Thank you for your understanding and support. The only exceptions to the cancellation policy are in the event of serious or contagious illness, emergency or clients over 38 weeks pregnant.
Please only make a booking with me if you are 100% happy with the cancellation policy, if you’re not happy with the terms, I completely understand if you’d prefer to go elsewhere for your treatments.
This policy also applies to gift voucher bookings.
Thank you for being a valued client and for your understanding and co-operation.
I send FREE distant healing each Tuesday at 7 pm (UK time) this is open to anyone so please feel free to invite your friends, family and pets.
If you’d like me to add your name to my distant healing book, please contact me with your full name and the town that you live currently live in.
E.G. Pam Giblin Newchurch Kent.
All I ask is that you commit to the time for yourself -you deserve it!
Please make sure your phones are switched off and that you won’t be disturbed for 20-30 minutes. Get yourself comfortable either sitting or lying down, and make sure you have a blanket to hand as you can get chilly when you’re receiving healing due to the body going into a deeply relaxed state – much like it does when you’re asleep.
You can of course put on some relaxing music during the sessions to help make your space more ambient.
If you’re new to Reiki, you may find that you get more from the distant healing sessions after you have received the energy a few times. As in a hands on treatment, you may find you drift in and out of consciousness, feel heat or pressure around your head or other parts of your body, treatments can feel very strong, or equally mild and gentle – you always get what you need at the time.
Some people see colours or images, and some report feelings of being ‘rocked gently’ or feel like they are ‘floating,’ all of this is perfectly normal and nothing to be worried about. Seeing colours whilst having a treatment is a peaceful and harmonious experience and adds to the deeply relaxing aspect of Reiki.
Seichem energy can continue to work for several days after the session, with many people reporting that they feel more positive, relaxed and happy as well as a reduction in pain, elevated energy levels and more mobile. You may also feel worse before you feel better-you may feel temporarily more tired, emotional and achy which is a result of your body detoxifying and adjusting to the balancing and healing energy that has been received – these symptoms should disperse within 24-48 hours, please be mindful about staying really well hydrated with clear fluids such as water, lemon water and coconut water, and eat plenty of healthy foods.
Feedback is always very gratefully received, it is always nice to hear how Reiki is helping you, so please share your experiences with me.